Thursday, March 6, 2008

To Flickr or not to Flickr

Welcome to the wonderful world of Flickr.

Definitley a new concept for me but a great idea to have a forum for photos and pictures.

The picture I chose from Flickr to attach to my blog is one of a Library desk. Dull dull dull you say but it is an intriguing design, not sure I like it but interesting. Recently here at ChesterHill Library we have been looking at desk designs for our new front desk and I'm quite intrigued by this design, very arty.


pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for sharing the flickr picture. Welcome to Learning 2.0 Hope you enjoy the program.
Kathleen A

miztres said...

I don't know. How hard would it be for the builders to put in a piece of toughened glass instead of formica. We could have the waves (council logo) lapping gently under it, or a flattened version of bongo (lapsit storytime mascot). That's certianly the way I'd like to see bongo.