Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Online applications and tools

These were very usefule tools that I had no idea existed.

I particularly liked Zanar, no more trying to open a document in the wrong software program or asking the IT expert how to convert a file. This is such a handy website will definitely use in future.

I thought the google docs would be useful in a work situation when multiple people are editing or adding to a document. Not sure about security protocol with this though, especially with coporate documents.

One week to go yippee!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008


Mashups seem fun, they would be good for craft and promotions.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Slam the Boards

Slam the boards! It sounds so energetic and proactive.

I really like the idea of this, not only do you get to practice your reference skills with some tricky questions but you can promote Librarians and your Library at the same time.

A collegue of mine pointed out that we would not be promoting to our own area and patrons because the interenet is global we could be answering a qestion from anywhere in the world; and my guess would be they would have no idea where Chester Hill is and are quite likely never to visit.
However we would be promoting Libraries in general as well as Librarians so still a great promotion. It lets the public know that we Librarians keep up with technology and provide for societies changing needs.

On a quiet day in reference, say summer holiday period it would be a great way to pass the time.

That Library thing

Well I'm sure that as Library workers we are all familar with Library catalogues which is what Library thing is in a simplified way.

I do like it however, particulary how it pulls information about the book you are adding from different sources including a cover picture. Really good for those with lots of books who want to put their books on a database so they know what they have. I think I may send it to my brother and his wife, between them they have at least 200 books.

Myself why buy books when I can access so many for free from work.

The link to my library thing account is http://www.librarything.com/catalog/Sethenon